European Innovation Hub Day (EIH-Day)

The European Innovation Hub Day (EIH-Day), is a full day event dedicated to EIH and the use of associated European research and innovation programmes. This event will bring together key-players from the European Commission, Regions, Regional Clusters, Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs) and SMEs to exchange views on existing and future innovation hubs. Session topics […]

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Advanced Computing and Cyber-Physical Systems 2016

The workshop will be held on Tuesday 14 June from 9.00 to 17.30 at the Bedford hotel in Brussels back to back with the Smart Anything Everywhere 2016 Event. It is organized by HiPEAC ( in collaboration with the European Commission. More information is available here.

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Pan-European Project to Help Innovative Companies Design and Build New Cyber-physical Systems Products for IoT Markets

GRENOBLE, France – March 27, 2015 – CEA-Leti, coordinator of the pan-European consortium EuroCPS, today announced that the 15 partners have set up the goals of their collaborative project to establish a network of design centers to help SMEs and large companies develop innovative products for emerging Internet of Things (IoT) markets. The group will […]

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Launch of the European Initiative Smart Anything Everywhere

The French Directorate General for Enterprises in collaboration with the European Commission, DG CONNECT Components and Systems are pleased to invite you to LAUNCH OF THE EUROPEAN INITIATIVE SMART ANYTHING EVERYWHERE To be held in conjunction with the FRANCE FORUM ON DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES TO ENABLE SME COMPETITIVENESS Thursday 26 and Friday 27 March 2015 Minatec […]

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H2020 ICT InfoDay in Hungary

An Information Day on Horizon 2020 Information and Communication Technologies was held in Budapest on 20/02/2015. The event was organized by the National Research, Development and Innovation Office – Hungary. Dr Márta Rencz held a presentation about the EuroCPS project, the presentation can be downloaded from our website.

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