European Innovation Hub Day (EIH-Day)

The European Innovation Hub Day (EIH-Day), is a full day event dedicated to EIH and the use of associated European research and innovation programmes. This event will bring together key-players from the European Commission, Regions, Regional Clusters, Research and Technology Organisations (RTOs) and SMEs to exchange views on existing and future innovation hubs. Session topics […]

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Hannover Messe 2018

EuroCPS will be present at the Hannover Messe 2018. More information is available here. We will welcome Hipperos ( and WP2P ( Where to find us: Hall 6, location G46

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EuroCPS IE will be present at the Digital Innovation Forum 2017

Digital Innovation Forum 2017 Amsterdam May 10-11, 2017 EUROCPS IEs: Wearable Object Avoidance, Terabee Innovative Range of high performance and low-power CPS solutions based on neural network paradigms, GlobalSensing Technology Advanced development platform based on multicore architecture in 65nm technology for automotive experimpental activities, Ideas&Motion Srl

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Advanced Computing and Cyber-Physical Systems 2016

The workshop will be held on Tuesday 14 June from 9.00 to 17.30 at the Bedford hotel in Brussels back to back with the Smart Anything Everywhere 2016 Event. It is organized by HiPEAC ( in collaboration with the European Commission. More information is available here.

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